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VBA Audit Trail


New Member
Hey guys,

Quick question....

Is there any easy way to record when a user sorts a file? This could be recorded on a hidden worksheet or saved to a separate text file. I've searched around a bit but haven't come up with something that relates to checking when a user sorts a file.

Thanks for any help.

I guess ideally I am attempting to break "sorting" within a single Excel workbook. I have this bit of code in XML that seems to work so far, but only for the home tab, it won't get rid of the "Sort" options under the data tab....

<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui">

<!--Disable all sort options within Excel 2010 -->


<!-- Disable Sort throughout entire file-->

<command idMso="SortFilterMenu" enabled = "false" />

<command idMso="SortAscendingExcel" enabled = "false" />

<command idMso="SortDescindingExcel" enabled = "false" />

<command idMso="SortCustomExcel" enabled = "false" />

<command idMso="SortClear" enabled = "false" />

<command idMso="SortDialog" enabled = "false" />

<command idMso="SortDialogClassic" enabled = "false" />

<command idMso="GroupSortFilter" enabled = "false" />

