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Table spreadsheet update



Let me set this up first. I have a table that is 434 rows long and columns A-AJ. It is set up with a few conditional formats (no data=Red), and one simple formula. Here is my problem; I have to update this spreadsheet once a week from an export downloaded from a web site. The process I used before I changed it to a Table was lengthy to say. Since the table matches the export (as far as columns) all I would do is highlight the export in Green then copy and paste that into my spreadsheet, then just sort column A with 2 variables. One column A value then column A cell color, Green on Top. Next I would just scroll thru 2 lines at a time and compare the lines. Make necessary changes. If I had an extra Green row with no matching White row I knew that was an added row and visa versa for a White row that had no matching Green row was a row to delete.

Is there an easier way??