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New Member
I need formula to add up values that fulfil criteria on non-parallel references (i.e. a row based criteria and column based criteria in an array at the same time. For example, how many bananas and apples in boxes numbered between 3 and 7, given the following data, would give 56 (from 10+11+31+4) as a result :

Box Size>>> 1 2 3 5 8 9

bananas 20 15 10 11 32 0

apples 8 8 31 4 12 7

It seems neither SUMPRODUCT nor SUMIF are any use when the criteria data is not in parallel arrays.

Thanks for your help, and Best Wishes for 2012.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

Oh how incorrect you are, Sumproduct is perfect at just that

Have a read of: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/05/26/advanced-sumproduct-queries/
How right YOU are ..... I'll sink my teeth into that a.s.a.p. Looks like what I was looking for.Thanks a lot.
Hi Hui

It's me again; got ahead with that SUMPRODUCT issue just fine. But I've just unearthed a problem with COUNTIF.

I want to produce an 7 row x 7 column array where a formula in the 49 cells pairs the numbers 1 to 7 and shows the result, but if the result is a duplicate (e.g. 11, 22 and so on) it shows 0 or "". I then count how many pairs I have (which should always be 42 of course). I am finding that COUNTIF fails to produce the correct result when the COUNTIF criterion is set at ">"&0. Same thing happens if the criterion in the COUNTIF cell is set as "<>"&"" and the 'fail' value in the array cells' formula is set to "" to produce blank in the cells where the result is a duplicate pair.

It only works if the COUNTIF criterion is set to "<>"&0, or if I use SUMPRODUCT with a >0 filter. BTW, the array numbers are formatted as such; and formatting them to General does not make a diff.

So why is COUNTIF behaving inconsistently?

Thanks for your help.

To sum up:
Can you post the formula you have on the 7x7 area? And the countif formula ?
In B1:H7, and in A2:A8, enter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 where

Formula in B2, =IF(B$1<>$A2,B$1&$A2,0); copy/paste across B2:H8.

This produces an array of 42 values, min 12, max 76, and 9 zeroes on the diagonal B2, C3,...,H8.

Then, =COUNTIF(B2:H8,">"&0) produces 0!

But =SUMPRODUCT(--(B2:H8>0)) gives 42

...and =COUNTIF(B2:H8,"<>"&0) gives 42.

Hi ,

The formula B$1&$A2 , which gives 12 from 1 and 2 is not the number 12. To check , just enter the formula :


where B1 = 1 and A2 = 2. You should get FALSE.

Well spotted NARAYANK991. So I've now changed the formula to convert all 49 cell results to a number, that is


Previously, I thought that formatting the array as Numbers would do just that, but obviously it was not.

Thanks, and Best Wishes for 2012 BTW.