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Searching Cells with Multiple Contents



I am attempting my first Dashboard and I need help with several aspects but I'll focus on one area at this time.

I have a number of cells that contain zip codes such as: 85012,85013,85014 etc. Each block /group of codes belongs to an particular employee(s).

I used this formula =SUM(LEN(E15)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(E15,",",""))+1) to tell me how many zip codes were in each cell which tells me how many zip codes employee A, B etc. has.

In a separate sheet I have a list of data related to the employee activity that includes the zipcodes...(one code per activity)but the employee is not identified.

I want to add column next to the zipcode that identifies the employee by searching the group of codes that belong to employee A for example and returns the employee name.

Is this possible? Any help is appreciated.

=IF(FIND(zipcode ,the cell that contains the group of zipcode,1),the cell that contains the employee name,0).
The find function matches the zipcode from the group of zipcodes & returns the name of the employee.
Hi Srinidhi,

Thank you very much for your time !!! ... your solution was perfect and has helped me tremendously
I have a follow up question. The solution offered works well as along as the cells are continguios. In other words as long as the employee name is in the same row.

In my situation I need some way to have the formula return the correct name even if the code is non contingious with the name

Any suggestions would be appreciated.. I have queried the forum for solutions related to sum product, I've attempted to use the formula as an array...I'm stuck on this one

I posted a small segment of the file. The "zipcodesbyemployee" tab has several more codes in the original file, and the "occurrencedetail" will have several occurrences that have zip codes that I need to have match the employee from the "zipcodesbyemployee" tab. Any help is appreciated


  • AssignmentRuleTest.xlsx
    9.4 KB · Views: 3
Maybe something like this? pls see the file attach



  • AssignmentRuleTest.xlsx
    10.7 KB · Views: 6

Thank you very much... I do believe this will work.

What I noticed is that because I have 2 people that share a zipcode block the formula only returns the employee related to the second block.

Is there a way of adding a second criteria? otherwise I can break the data up and I think this will work perfectly.
Hi Somendra,

No I need to present the individual employees separately.

In column B (funtionalrole) there are 2 categories "comp adjuster" and medical only adjuster. 2 employees fit these roles and will share the same of zip codes.

Although the individual employee may have more than one group of codes, there will never be a duplicate code

So what I think I need the formula to do is look up the zip code block, followed by the functionalrole and then return the name.

I will try to work this out but I am not familiar with "2^15" so I will have to read about this.

In the meanwhile, any help is appreciated.
Sorry for being confusing but yes adding one more criteria role would be ideal...Im not sure how to do that but ill try to work
with that this weekend.
Last edited:
Ok I have been working on this for the last 2 days and have only marginally accomplished my goal.

I am not sure why I am having such a difficult time. I am attaching my efforts on the "occurrencedetail" tab. I tried to work with the formula recommended by Azumi but was not able to figure out how to add a 2nd criteria.

So I tried about 5 different other approaches

Column H uses a combination of index and sumproduct gives me the most promising responses but when I get to row 4 the formula returns "employee C" but it should return " employee A".

What am I missing? any help is appreciated.


  • AssignmentRuleTest2.xlsx
    1,023 KB · Views: 3

Try below array formula :


Enter with Ctrl+Shift+Enter.


Your solution works perfectly. Thank you for your time and knowledge. I have been studying the formula to try to gain an understanding of how you arrived at the answer.

Can you tell me what SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH does in this formula and ROW(zipcodesbyemployee!$C$2:$C$5)-ROW(zipcodesbyemployee!$C$2)+1)),1))

I try to do 2 things ( of course after searching the forum to see if someone else has asked a similar question) when engaging with this awesome community of excel users: 1. Try to figure things out myself first and 2. learn from my interactions.

If you can share any insight on the 2 areas above that I am not familiar with I would appreciate it, but if not, I still am grateful and appreciate your help.
Hi ,

I'll try to explain.

Let us start with what the INDEX function expects.

The INDEX function expects a range as a first parameter , and an index number into this range as the second parameter ; if we have a range of 10 cells , where ever they may be located in a worksheet , if we want the 5th cell from this range , we can say =INDEX(range of 10 cells , 5).

This is a general construct , and every formula that uses the INDEX function , can finally be reduced to this construct. I have colored the two parts in different colors so that you can see the equivalence in Misra's formula.

If we take Misra's formula , it is :

=INDEX(zipcodesbyemployee!$C$2:$C$5 ,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(C2,zipcodesbyemployee!$A$2:$A$5)),IF(D2=zipcodesbyemployee!$B$2:$B$5,ROW(zipcodesbyemployee!$C$2:$C$5)-ROW(zipcodesbyemployee!$C$2)+1)),1))

So what the SMALL function does , in the simplest terms , is it returns a particular number from a list of numbers.

The SMALL function , can again be reduced to its basic form as :

SMALL(list of items , which smallest number)

If the second parameter in the above construct for SMALL is 1 , it will return the smallest number from the list of items ; if it is 2 , it will return the second smallest number , and so on.

In Misra's formula , the second parameter is 1 , which means it will return the smallest number from the list of items.

Thus , the first parameter list of items is being created by the following segment :


This is a straightforward IF statement , which tests for a condition , and if true , returns a particular value ; since this entire formula is being array-entered , using CTRL SHIFT ENTER , the IF statement is going to operate on an array of items , and return an array as a result.

The syntax of the IF statement is :

=IF(test for condition , return value if test evaluates to TRUE , return value if test evaluates to FALSE)

Here , the test for condition is formed by 2 IF statements , which have been highlighted above.

What these 2 IF statements return if the test evaluates to TRUE is an array given by this segment :


This segment is a very commonly used one , which can be more generally written as :

=ROW(range) - MIN(ROW(range)) + 1

where range can be any section of cells within a column ; the above construct will in all cases return an array of numbers from 1 till the number of elements in the range. Thus , if the range extends from J17 through J55 , the number of elements is 55 - 17 + 1 = 39.

Thus , the above construct , which will now be :

=ROW(J17:J55) - MIN(ROW(J17:J55)) + 1

will return the array :


This works this way :

The first segment ROW(J17:J55) returns the array :


From this array , we subtract the minimum value , which in this case is 17.

The array now becomes :


Adding 1 to this results in the final array of numbers from 1 through 39.

The SEARCH function does a very simple job ; it looks for a given item in a list of items , and if found returns the position where this given item is located in the list of items ; if not found , it returns the error value #VALUE!.

So , suppose we have a list of items covering 5 cells , and if the looked for item is found in the first position in the 4th item among the 5 , the SEARCH function will return an array :


Suppose in the list of 5 items , the looked for item is found in the 7th position , in the 3rd item , the returned array will be :


Suppose in the list , there are 2 cells which contain the looked for value , in the 7 position in the 3rd item and the 1st position in the 4th item , the returned array will be :


Now , if we wrap the ISNUMBER function around this array , what we get is an array of TRUE and FALSE values , TRUE where the array contains a number , and FALSE where it contains the error value #VALUE!.


Thus , if we have a construct such as :

SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(given item , list of 5 items)) ,
ROW(list of 5 items) - MIN(ROW(list of 5 items)) + 1) , 1)

and suppose the given item is found in two places within the list , the position where it is found in those items not being relevant , and suppose the two places are the 2nd and the 5th , the segment in RED , will return the array :


The segment in GREEN will return the array :


Put together , these will return the array :


where the FALSE values are retained in their positions , while where ever the TRUE value was present , it will now be replaced by the row number from the second array.

Putting the SMALL function around this array , and using 1 as the second parameter will return the value 2 , since the SMALL function ignores FALSE values , and out of the two numbers 2 and 5 , 2 is the smaller.

WOW that was a huge and clear cut explanation by @NARAYANK991 Sir....No doubt in it.. Simply Awesome.

Glad you solve it. I think if you go through above explanation it will be clear what I did & Welcome back anytime!!!

Most excellent explanation indeed @NARAYANK991 .... I can feast on this for days and certainly referred to it often.

Many thanks Somendra, Azumi and Srinidhi as I have benefited from all of your input!!!