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Save / Restore autofilter of a table by VBA



I try to save a restore filter of a table by VBA.

I had some personal function to do that, but I have found better function below.

The problem is that they don' take into account the case a of color filtering (xlFilterColor, value = 8)
Indeed, if color filtering, Criteria1 is an object with several values (see http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Fo...excel-2010-autofilter-with-vba?forum=exceldev)

Could you help me to improve these 2 functions (SaveListObjectFilters and RestoreListObjectFiltersto take into account the color filtering ?

Thank you in advance.
' Sub:  SaveListObjectFilters
' Purpose:  Save filter on worksheet
' Returns:  wks.AutoFilterMode when function entered
' Source: [URL]http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9489126/in-excel-vba-how-do-i-save-[/URL]  restore-a-user-defined-filter
' Arguments:
'  [Name]  [Type]  [Description]
'  wks  I/P  Worksheet that filter may reside on
'  FilterRange O/P  Range on which filter is applied as string; "" if no filter
'  FilterCache O/P  Variant dynamic array in which to save filter
' Author:  Based on MS Excel AutoFilter Object help file
' Modifications:
' 2006/12/11 Phil Spencer: Adapted as general purpose routine
' 2007/03/23 PJS: Now turns off .AutoFilterMode
' 2013/03/13 PJS: Initial mods for XL14, which has more operators
' 2013/05/31 P.H.: Changed to save list-object filters
Function SaveListObjectFilters(lo As ListObject, FilterCache()) As Boolean

Dim ii As Long
Dim filterRange As String

  filterRange = ""
  With lo.AutoFilter
  filterRange = .Range.Address
  With .Filters
  ReDim FilterCache(1 To .Count, 1 To 3)
  For ii = 1 To .Count
  With .Item(ii)
  If .On Then
  #If False Then ' XL11 code
  FilterCache(ii, 1) = .Criteria1
  If .Operator Then
  FilterCache(ii, 2) = .Operator
  FilterCache(ii, 3) = .Criteria2
  End If
  #Else  ' first pass XL14
  Select Case .Operator
  Case 1, 2  'xlAnd, xlOr
  FilterCache(ii, 1) = .Criteria1
  FilterCache(ii, 2) = .Operator
  FilterCache(ii, 3) = .Criteria2
  Case 0, 3 To 7 ' no operator, xlTop10Items, _
  xlBottom10Items, xlTop10Percent, xlBottom10Percent, xlFilterValues
  FilterCache(ii, 1) = .Criteria1
  FilterCache(ii, 2) = .Operator
  Case Else  ' These are not correctly restored; there's someting in Criteria1 but can't save it.
  FilterCache(ii, 2) = .Operator
  ' FilterCache(ii, 1) = .Criteria1  ' <-- Generates an error
  ' No error in next statement, but couldn't do restore operation
  ' Set FilterCache(ii, 1) = .Criteria1
  End Select
  #End If
  End If
  End With ' .Item(ii)
  End With ' .Filters
  End With ' wks.AutoFilter

End Function

' Sub:  RestoreListObjectFilters
' Purpose:  Restore filter on listobject
' Source: [URL]http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9489126/in-excel-vba-how-do-i-save-restore-a-user-defined-filter[/URL]
' Arguments:
'  [Name]  [Type]  [Description]
'  wks  I/P  Worksheet that filter resides on
'  FilterRange I/P  Range on which filter is applied
'  FilterCache I/P  Variant dynamic array containing saved filter
' Author:  Based on MS Excel AutoFilter Object help file
' Modifications:
' 2006/12/11 Phil Spencer: Adapted as general purpose routine
' 2013/03/13 PJS: Initial mods for XL14, which has more operators
' 2013/05/31 P.H.: Changed to restore list-object filters
' Comments:
Sub RestoreListObjectFilters(lo As ListObject, FilterCache())

Dim col As Long

  If lo.Range.Address <> "" Then
  For col = 1 To UBound(FilterCache(), 1)
  #If False Then  ' XL11
  If Not IsEmpty(FilterCache(col, 1)) Then
  If FilterCache(col, 2) Then
  lo.AutoFilter Field:=col, _
  Criteria1:=FilterCache(col, 1), _
  Operator:=FilterCache(col, 2), _
  Criteria2:=FilterCache(col, 3)
  lo.AutoFilter Field:=col, _
  Criteria1:=FilterCache(col, 1)
  End If
  End If
  If Not IsEmpty(FilterCache(col, 2)) Then
  Select Case FilterCache(col, 2)
  Case 0  ' no operator
  lo.Range.AutoFilter Field:=col, _
  Criteria1:=FilterCache(col, 1) ' Do NOT reload 'Operator'
  Case 1, 2  'xlAnd, xlOr
  lo.Range.AutoFilter Field:=col, _
  Criteria1:=FilterCache(col, 1), _
  Operator:=FilterCache(col, 2), _
  Criteria2:=FilterCache(col, 3)
  Case 3 To 6 ' xlTop10Items, xlBottom10Items, xlTop10Percent,  xlBottom10Percent
  #If True Then
  lo.Range.AutoFilter Field:=col, _
  Criteria1:=FilterCache(col, 1) ' Do NOT reload 'Operator' , it doesn't work
  ' wks.AutoFilter.Filters.Item(col).Operator = FilterCache(col, 2)
  #Else ' Trying to restore Operator as well as Criteria ..
  ' Including the 'Operator:=' arguement leads to error.
  ' Criteria1 is expressed as if for a FALSE .Operator
  lo.Range.AutoFilter Field:=col, _
  Criteria1:=FilterCache(col, 1), _
  Operator:=FilterCache(col, 2)
  #End If
  Case 7  'xlFilterValues
  lo.Range.AutoFilter Field:=col, _
  Criteria1:=FilterCache(col, 1), _
  Operator:=FilterCache(col, 2)
  #If False Then ' Switch on filters on cell formats
  ' These statements restore the filter, but cannot reset the pass Criteria, so the filter hides all data.
  ' Leave it off instead.
  Case Else  ' (Various filters on data format)
  lo.RangeAutoFilter Field:=col, _
  Operator:=FilterCache(col, 2)
  #End If ' Switch on filters on cell formats
  End Select
  End If
  #End If  ' XL11 / XL14
  Next col
  End If

End Sub
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