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Percentile option in Pivot

Hi Karan,
There may be other ways to do this, but the following is one approach:

Add a column in your source data that calculates the percentile summary. For example:
=LOOKUP(PERCENTRANK.INC($B$2:$B$9,$B2), {0,25,50,75,100}/100)
where B2:B9 is numeric data, and the formula entered is to find the percentile rank for B2 rolled up to 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%

Remember to format the column as percentage.

In the Pivot table, you can now add a Report Filter on the Percentile column you added in the source data.

Hope this helps.

Still I am not clear on this. I dont want to use a formula a pivot. I need percentile in pivot like sum, count options available in pivot.

I am not aware of a way to get the percentile info in a Pivot table without using formulas. Perhaps someone else will help you further.
Hi Narayan,

Thanks for your help

In Microsoft excel 2010, there is an option of aggregate function there we can use percentile option with one criteria. But if I want to use multiple criteria in that formula hoiw it can be done ?
