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Interesting Problem


I have a dynamic set of Op income/total expense data.

For the revenue departments it is Op income.

For the Expense departments it is total expense.

I want to use conditional formatting to show green as good and red as bad.

Green would be +5% over last year for the op income.

Red would be - 5% over last year for the op income.

For expense though it is the reverse.

Green would be -5% over last year.

Red would be +5% over last year.

Can you guys help me out with this? Or give me another idea of how to display this.

The idea is that a person should just be able to look for the Red cells and then question managers of the respective department of why their op income/expense is bad.

Thank you!! I've been stuck on this forever! It is the last thing I need before my dashboard is done!
Hi, Montrey!

Suppose your data is from A1 like this And you want to CF B3:B5 and D3:D5 ranges:


Op income	Revenue		Total		Expense
Last year	This year	Last year	This year
100		90		100		90
100		100		100		100
100		110		100		110

Try applying this two rules to both ranges:

green: =O(Y(B$1="Revenue";B3>A3*1,05);Y(B$1="Expense";B3<A3*0,95)) -----> in english: =OR(AND(B$1="Revenue",B3>A3*1.05),AND(B$1="Expense",B3<A3*0.95))

red: =O(Y(B$1="Revenue";B3<A3*0,95);Y(B$1="Expense";B3>A3*1,05)) -----> in english: =OR(AND(B$1="Revenue",B3<A3*0.95),AND(B$1="Expense",B3>A3*1.05))

I don't know if this is what you've asked for. If it isn't, please consider uploading a sample file with manually fixed examples. Thanks.

It looks like I am going to have to have a very complicated Conditional Formatting equation. Because the expenses and the op. income are in the same column and it is dynamic.

I am going to have to make 2 equations.

Green would be this: that if the name of the department matches a list of expense departments and if offset(ty expense)-offset(ly expense)/offset(ly expense)<.05,true,if(and(match(revenue name list),offset(ty opincome)-offset(ly opincome)/offset(ly opincome)>.05),true,false)

The above equation formats the cell green if the number is matched with an expense and the difference between the two years is less than 5% or if the number is matched with revenue and the difference between this year and last year is greater than 5%.

The red formatting equation would be the opposite with respect to the < or > symbols.

Now time to write this beast of an equations. I'll post it when i'm done I guess.
Hi, Montrey!

Maybe you can upload a sample file with instructions/examples? That would help a lot.

Hey I figured it out. Here is the result for the conditional formats! It took 5 hours but i finally got it. White means YoY is flat, Green means good, Red means bad. Check out the formulas!

For White:


For green:


For Red:

Hi, Montrey!

Glad to hear you solved it. Good job. Welcome back whenever needed/wanted.

Sorry to butt in here but I have been trying to post question on this forum for 2 days. My posts never appear in the "posted by" column, and I've posted 3 messages. I thought maybe someone could tell me why that is?

I'm logged in; from California.