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If Function Help Please !!!


New Member
Hi All,

Trying to set up another If condition:

If Column E2 = hourly then multiple column F2*52/12

If Column E2 = salary then multiple column F2* 26 / 12

This is what I have and the 2nd part isn't calculating correcatly.

if Col E contains only hourly and salary, then the following should be fine-:


If you only have Hourly and Salary as values in Column E, then Niting's forumla should work for you. But if you have other pay types (like Modified Salary, say for someone who does not work 40 hours a week). Then you'll need to keep nesting the IF stmt:

=if(e2="hourly",f2*52/12,if(e2="salary",f2*26/12,if(e2="mod sal",e2*48/12,<more ifs etc>)))