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Creating a quick project plan / gantt chart using conditional formatting


New Member
Dear Chandoo

Under your tip entitled: Conditional Formatting in Excel – 5 Tips to make you a Rockstar, I tried tip # 2 for a gantt chart and it didn't work for me. There are 3 bullet points, I followed the 1st by creating the table structure. I am unclear about the 2nd and 3rd bullet points. Which cells does the formula reference? =IF(AND(F$8>=$D9, F$8<=$E9),"1","").

Please review and advise if there is a step missing.

Kind regards,

mayhem :)

Conditional Formatting uses the Upper Left cell of the area/range that you had selected when you selected Conditional Formatting

Your formulas must be setup to assume that relationship and hence your use of the $ to make cells references Relative/Absolute is critical to how the CF is applied to the rest of the cells in the range
Thanks Hui but I still don't understand the instructions presented. Assuming we are referring to the example in the tip, the 3rd row would relate to #, Activity, Start, End etc, and 3rd & 4th columns would relate to Start and End. If my Project Plan was identical in structure, which cells would be plotted into the formula to automate the chart? And where? Sorry I sound so confused :(