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Compare price and show result


New Member

I am procuring a Material "Pencil" from two different vendors say X and Y, where the price from A vendor is 20 rs and Price from B vendor is 10 rs.

But the share of business is for A is 70% and for B is 30%.

The system should compare price with share of business and result needs to be shown.

requirement is to shown in result column as below. if my share of business is High the price should be low.

Aim is to buy Low price from High share of business.

PlantMaterialVendorKeyPriceShare of businessResult


I am procuring a Material "Pencil" from two different vendors say X and Y, where the price from A vendor is 20 rs and Price from B vendor is 10 rs.

But the share of business is for A is 70% and for B is 30%.

The system should compare price with share of business and result needs to be shown.

requirement is to shown in result column as below. if my share of business is High the price should be low.

Aim is to buy Low price from High share of business.

PlantMaterialVendorKeyPriceShare of businessResult

Based on your requirements, here's how the result column can be calculated:

For vendor X:
Result = Price * (1 - Share of business) = 20 * (1 - 0.70) = 20 * 0.30 = 6

For vendor Y:
Result = Price * (1 - Share of business) = 10 * (1 - 0.30) = 10 * 0.70 = 7

So, the comparison based on the result column shows:

- For vendor X (A), the result is 6, indicating a loss.
- For vendor Y (B), the result is 7, indicating a gain.

This should work