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Capture the Name of the Excel file while opening the same using VBA code


New Member
I am using a code to open file from another file.

Sub OpenFile()

Dim fileName

fileName = Application.GetOpenFilename

If fileName <> "False" Then

Workbooks.Open fileName, Format:=2

End If

End Sub

My requirement is to capture the name of the file (Not the path) which is opened through the code. Somthing like

Dim xlname as string

xlname = ThisWorkbook.Name. If i use this in my code above it gives me the first file's name.


In other words I need to open a file and capture the same file's name in a variable and use it for the rest of the code.

Can you please help me....
Hi SirJB7,

Thanks for the reply, I am new to VBA coding so have not tried. Now i tried and not getting the required result. i have changed the code to

Sub OpenFile()

Dim fileName

fileName = Application.GetOpenFilename

If fileName <> "False" Then

Workbooks(Application.Workbooks.Count).Name , Format:=2

End If

End Sub

am i missing somthing here ?
OH ok i understood, i have captured the name in a variable. But this is giving me the name of the file that is been used for the code. My requirement is to capture the name of the file that i open with this code...

any idea, or am i not correct in understanding the basic
Hi, tinumathews!

Let's change the code to this:


Sub OpenFile()

Dim fileName, filename2

fileName = Application.GetOpenFilename

If fileName <> "False" Then

workbooks.open filename, format:=2


End If

End Sub


In variable "filename" you'll get the full path to the opened file, and in variable "filename2" you'll get just the name with the extension and without the path.
