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Can we read data, numbers, text etc of a Excel worksheet screenshot pasted in e-mail


Excel Ninja
Hi Experts,

I have an e-mail.
This e-mail body has a screenshot pasted.
This screenshot is copied from an Excel worksheet.
There are around 3-4 columns and 3-4 rows copied from the excel worksheet and pasted as screenshot in an e-mail.
Column and row number may vary.
My task is, get the screenshot from e-mail body in excel worksheet and read the numbers.
Is it possible with VBA or what other solution we can use to get the data from screenshot.
Can anyone please help me in this.
In Excel365 there is a way to (try and) get data from a picture: Data tab of the ribbon, Get & Transform Data, From Picture dropdown, then choice of From Clipboard or From file...
So copy the image to clipboard, then do the above... you might be lucky; it tries to OCR the image.