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Calculating Progress of Today's Date


New Member
I am trying to use an equation that tracks the progress of a start and end date based on today's date.

I have used this before =
but my excel no longer has DATEDIF. I tried inputting the equation anyways and an error shows up.

I then used
to get the progress % and to account for if the date has not started yet. However, if I have a start and end date that is only 1 day, I need the equation to show 100% if the 1 day has occurred and 0% if the 1 date has not occurred.
is that because you are ecpecting to see the formula
if you type in
with a date in A1
what happens - do you get NAME error ?

maybe attach a sample spreadsheet

what version of excel are you using
DATEDIF is still OK in MS365.
It will throw an error if startdate>enddate.
This will cope with start date after today (0%), enddate before today (100%) but not startdate and enddate the same:
but you don't need to use DATEDIF at all:
I note there are some +1s dotted here and there, I suspect that's because you might want to include all of the startdate and all of the enddate in the divisor - I'm not sure. You'll have to tweak yourself.