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Bell Curve


New Member
I'm trying to chart a bell curve of employee performance based on a metric scale. There are 63 employees who have a metric of .90. Performance ranges are unsuccessful 0-.24, needs improvement .25-.89, successful .90-1.10, highly successful 1.11-1.75, and outstanding 1.76-2.0. Unsuccessful value is 2, needs improvement value is 35, successful value is 8, highly successful value is 17, and outstanding value is 1. I'm looking for a scatter curve with vertical shading representing the five ranges. I've developed the curve, but unable to format the shading to represent the values in the identified ranges and stay within the curve. I tried drawing a trend line but did not get the desired result. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

What you want may not be possible with Excel 2007/10

Have a read of: http://peltiertech.com/Excel/Charts/XYAreaChart.html