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Power Bi Dashboard Template


New Member

I am working as a solo analyst in my team, so basically all the work here goes in excel and one of the major task is to collate few data in excel that too instantly.

So I have added the excel for the template we have been using in excel, I tried to automate it using macros but the major issue I face is too much data in the excel which makes it slow and too much work that needs to be put it.

So the most of the rows data are taken from two files let's say base file1 and basefile2, Basefile1 is too much on granularity level, while basefile2 is straight data but never in one format.

The data we present is on month level(I have attached the template), that same template for each month: Jan, Feb, Mar and so on.

then the data same data on quarterly, semi- yearly and yearly level.

The major issue is the Remarks are pure manually entered one, as they check data manually enter it.

and other columns numbers are also reduced from few numbers depending on the market trend.

So, can someone please help me what kind of majors should I take and how should I automate it?


  • template.xlsx
    17.5 KB · Views: 3
Too generic of question and your sample is of no help.

At any rate, in PowerBI you'll only have commenting function only at visual and report level. Not at data level.

For that, you'll need some sort of 3rd party service/plug-in.