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Copy the top row of multiple sheets to sheet1


Hi, I have had a brain fade and cant, simply copy the top row of multiple sheets to sheet1. Its easy using this =Sheet2!1:1 in A1 in sheet1 etc but there are over a 1000 sheets and it would just take to long to do it all manually. Is there a way to simply copy the formula to do this?
=sheet4!1:1 and so on
@p45cal Didn't know that VSTACK accepted 3D-References. Good to know. Would you have a link to a complete set of these functions, I can't seem to find an updated one. Thx

about half way down:

Create a 3-D reference​

  1. Click the cell where you want to enter the function.
  2. Type = (equal sign), enter the name of the function, and then type an opening parenthesis.

    You can use the following functions in a 3-D reference:
Thanks. I know how it works. VSTACK/HSTACK seem to be the only ones added to the older functions. Good to know