Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,
This is a UserForm version of the VBA Slicer (basic code) thread. Link below:
It's not 100% the same because it has some extra features such as "Invert" which inverts your criteria selection in the ListBox & applies it to the Pivot.
I only really decided to make this because in my last thread @jeffreyweir posted a link to his vba slicer creation using UserForms and I thought "I'll give that a crack & see how it goes!" - I'll be honest with ya I stole the "Invert" idea from you lol. The code is all mine though
@Luke M thanks for helping me problem solve with the False/True issue & telling me about the Boolean. Here's v1 - hopefully final too, unless you guys have ideas/ find bugs.
@NARAYANK991 & @bobhc have a look too.
This is a UserForm version of the VBA Slicer (basic code) thread. Link below:
It's not 100% the same because it has some extra features such as "Invert" which inverts your criteria selection in the ListBox & applies it to the Pivot.
I only really decided to make this because in my last thread @jeffreyweir posted a link to his vba slicer creation using UserForms and I thought "I'll give that a crack & see how it goes!" - I'll be honest with ya I stole the "Invert" idea from you lol. The code is all mine though
@Luke M thanks for helping me problem solve with the False/True issue & telling me about the Boolean. Here's v1 - hopefully final too, unless you guys have ideas/ find bugs.
@NARAYANK991 & @bobhc have a look too.