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Unable to print the result of a function within a sub


Active Member
I've created a macro to scrape proxies from a free proxy site. The macro is capable fetching the proxies when I use it within a subroutine. However, my intention is to print the proxy list within this subroutine "PrintProxies" via the function "GenerateProxy". I don't understand how to return the collection of result from that function so that I can print it within the subroutine.

Function GenerateProxy() As Collection
    Dim oHttp As New ServerXMLHTTP60, Html As New HTMLDocument
    Dim iCol As New Collection, pIP$, pPort$, elem As Object

    With oHttp
        .Open "GET", "https://www.us-proxy.org/", True
        While .readyState < 4: DoEvents: Wend
        Html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
        For Each elem In Html.getElementsByTagName("tbody")(0).getElementsByTagName("tr")
            If InStr(elem.innerText, "yes") > 0 Then
                pIP = elem.getElementsByTagName("td")(0).innerText
                pPort = elem.getElementsByTagName("td")(1).innerText
                Debug.Print pIP & ":" & pPort
                iCol.Add pIP & ":" & pPort
            End If
        Next elem
    End With

    Set GenerateProxy = iCol
End Function

Sub PrintProxies()
    Dim iCol As Collection, col As Variant

    Set iCol = GenerateProxy
    For Each col In iCol
        Debug.Print col
    Next col
End Sub

When I run the above macro, I see this error `object required` pointing at this line `Set iCol = GenerateProxy`.

PS There is a cross-post https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65049118/cant-print-the-result-of-a-function-within-a-sub in place.

EDIT: The problem appears to have been fixed. Turn out that there was a typo which was causing that error.
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