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Trying to double a number every 18 cells exponentially


New Member

I have a number in a cell A1 say 100

I want to populate the next 17 cells upto A18 so that the 17 increments will eventually arrive in cell A18 with a value of 200

in other words the value in A1 has doubled in 18 steps

I'm currently doing this with a simple percentage increase but I'm trying to understand how I can express this in excel as an exponential formula

Does that make sense?

Hi, capcon!

In cell A2 enter this formula:

=POTENCIA(2;1/17) -----> in english: =POWER(2,1/17)

Copy down up to A18, et voila.


The answer depends on what the formula for the equation is?

With only 2 points supplied we cannot offer any more than a straight line/linear evaluation between the two points

There are probably an infinite number of formula that will fit your data

a Few Questions though

If A1 is the first in the series and A18 is second will there be an A35 = 400?

If so an equation of Y=50*power(e,0.6931471806*x) will do nicely


A2: =A1+(1/17)

B1: =50*EXP(0.6931471806*(1+(ROW()-ROW($A$1))*(1/17)))

Copy both cells down