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removing the end full stop from a paragraph of text within an excel cell


New Member
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Using the text as above copy into a cell in excel. i want to remove the very end fullstop from a paragraph of text. has anyone got a formula for this

any ideas
hello Hui.. hope you doin fine..

please guide me thru this..

the above formula will delete a last character of the cell. is it possible to identify if the cell actually contains a full-stop and then delete the full stop only.
Hi Pradish ,

Check if the last character of the cell is a "." , using the RIGHT function ; =RIGHT(A1,1) will return the last character of cell A1. =IF(RIGHT(A1,1)=".",Hui's formula,A1) will delete the "." if it is present , else it will copy the cell as it is.


is the full formula.
