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Range of Random


Hi all,


1. is there an easy way to pick a range of data without using helper column if I have a range of data say 1, 4, 19, 23, 26, 27, 34, 35, 39, and 67?

2. How do I randomize if I have a range of data from, say, 1 to 15, 21 to 35 and 46 to 60? Randbetween isn't powerful enough to handle things like this.

Any suggestion or idea? it'd be best if we don't have use VBA. Thanks.
1. I don't understand this question. Are you wanting to randomly pick between these values?

2. This seems similar to #1...going off the idea that you have a list of numbers that you want to use, what you could do it generate the list somewhere. Make note of how many numbers there are (I'll use #1 as example and say there are 10 numbers). Then, to randomly pick one:

Hi Luke,

=INDEX(ListOfNumbers,RANDBETWEEN(1,10)) works beautifully on Q1. Thanks!

In Q2 I was thinking like a list of 10 mens' names and the other list 10 womens' names in a dancing pair up, randomly.

The first man of the list is easy using your formula. But how do we move down the men's list to pair up the diminishing women name list randomly, leaving the last man with no other choice but to pick the 10th woman (say ugly Betty ;P)??