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Need for speed

Gregg Wolin

I am using some VBA to show and hide the visibility of groups of rows and columns, creating an accordion effect. I have a really fast machine but the code below takes between 2.5 and 4 seconds to run.

Public Sub NavButton_Predev()
 Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Columns("f:Ae").Hidden = True
    Columns("af:Aq").Hidden = True
    Columns("af:Aq").Hidden = True
    Columns("as:xfd").Hidden = True
    Rows("6:23").Hidden = False
    Rows("24:25").Hidden = False
    Rows("26:40").Hidden = True    'Hides offsite cost details
    Rows("41:42").Hidden = False
    Rows("43:66").Hidden = True    'Hides onsite cost details
    Rows("41:42").Hidden = False 
    Rows("43:66").Hidden = True   'Hides onsite cost header
    Rows("67:68").Hidden = False
    Rows("69:80").Hidden = True    'Hides amenities cost details
    Rows("81:82").Hidden = False
    Rows("83:92").Hidden = True    'Hides Total details
    Rows("93:94").Hidden = False
    Rows("95:104").Hidden = True    'Hides Ownership cost details
    Rows("105:106").Hidden = False
    Rows("107:118").Hidden = True    'Hides HOA Subsidy details
    Rows("119:120").Hidden = False
    Rows("121:132").Hidden = True    'Hides G&A details
    Rows("133:134").Hidden = False
    Rows("135:140").Hidden = True    'Hides Contingency details
    Rows("141:142").Hidden = False
    Rows("143:192").Hidden = True    'Hides Reimbursements details
    Columns("af:ag").ColumnWidth = 2
    Columns("ah").ColumnWidth = 32
    Columns("ai:aj").ColumnWidth = 15
    Columns("ak:al").ColumnWidth = 15
    Columns("am:am").ColumnWidth = 40
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
 End sub

Does anyone have any ideas how to speed this up?
Gregg Wolin
eg check Your 'columns' ... which columns need to hide (You have doubles, isn't there from f:aq, as:xfd ?)
as well with 'rows' ... there are doubles, rows 6:142 to false and after that needed rows true
Code correction

Option Explicit

Sub test()
    Rows("6:192").Hidden = False
    Dim arr(1 To 8),  n%
    arr(1) = "26:40": arr(2) = "43:66": arr(3) = "96:80"
    arr(4) = "83:92": arr(5) = "95:104": arr(6) = "107:118"
    arr(7) = "121:132": arr(8) = "143:192"
        For n = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
            Rows(arr(n)).Hidden = True
End Sub
Code correction

arr(1) = "26:40": arr(2) = "43:66": arr(3) = "96:80"
Salim, an Excel basics way to create an array :​
Sub Demo1()
        Dim V
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Rows("6:192").Hidden = False
    For Each V In [{"26:40","43:66","69:80","83:92", "95:104","107:118","121:132","135:140","143:192"}]
        Rows(V).Hidden = True
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Or using an array VBA function like For Each V In Split("26:40 43:66 69:80 83:92 95:104 107:118 121:132 135:140 143:192") …​
And at once without looping :​
Sub Demo2()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Rows("6:192").Hidden = False
    [A26:A40,A43:A66,A69:A80,A83:A92,A95:A104,A107:A118,A121:A132,A135:A140,A143:A192].EntireRow.Hidden = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Do you like it ? So thanks to click on bottom right Like !​