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Excel Vlookup Error



I have a problem with excel vlookup, when I insert a vlookup formula in my spreadsheet in Cell B3:B7 It will just pick up first answer all the way through. When I double click each indivual cell the answer will change to the correct one.

Please refer to below example: B4 should be 15 and B5 should be 20 etc.....

I don't understand why excel is doing this.


Colour No

Red 10

Blue 10

Pink 10

Blue 10

Green 10


Red 10

Blue 15

Pink 20

Green 5

Appreciate any assistance.

Please check your recalculation mode, it could be on manual. If so switch it to automatic
Yes for some reason my recalculaton mode was set to manual. I've fix the problem. Thank-you for your help