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Excel Newbie--want to do pivot table in excel 2010 without weekends


New Member
Hi I have a pivot table report that I run everyday and I would like to know how I can get the report to omit weekends. I am using Excel 2010. Thank you.
In your data, create a helper column with a formula like this:


Make sure you give the column a header, like "WEEKDAY ONLY"

Refresh your PivotTable (making sure the new column is included in PivotTable now)

Add the WEEKDAY_ONLY field to the Page_area, set it to TRUE to omit weekends.
You can select the date field of the pivot table and manually unselect them


Maybe add a new field to your data

DayNo: =WEEKDAY(Date,2)

and then in the pivot table you can filter your new field DayNo to be less than 6