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Daily task tracking


New Member
Dear sir's
I am a technical person of Aluminium windows&Doors fabrication.
I need a support from other members to share ....
Daily tasks,works,info update and tracking template in Excel.
Also any related excel sheets for my profession of Aluminium windows&Doors fabrication.


You should able to write much more details.
Your Also any related excel sheets for my profession of Aluminium windows&Doors fabrication.
means that others should guess a lot or do hours of research for that.
You should able to send a sample Excel-file with some sample data, which shows You expected information.
Thank you.
I don't have excel sheet examples.
I understand that my quire is not correct since it is not excel related.
But I have got cutting optimiser excel sheet earlier in another excel forum.
Thank you


Please, reread Forum Rules
There could be something which You've skipped
there, in another excel forum, is same kind of rules.