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  1. C

    Use Min function within Sumproduct (or something smarter)

    Ah - works like a charm! Hot dog! I can't thank you enough. You have no idea. I am gushing. Chris
  2. C

    Use Min function within Sumproduct (or something smarter)

    I took Daffy333's suggestion and it getting me closer. It returns the MIN in the whole array, but not the MIN of each unique client. I've updated the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AizfNmXXHvYrdHVaaDJTd0FlZVRyYXRhU2duaVUwU3c&hl=en_US Luke, does this clarify the my...
  3. C

    Use Min function within Sumproduct (or something smarter)

    Good afternoon. I have a list of clients, with multiple users within each company. I have a column that tells me the number of days since any one user has purchased a product. I need to add 2 columns that will ultimately be used in a pivot table to: 1) Identify unique clients, not unique...