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Recent content by Raghava@rock

  1. R

    Identify Top 2 and Lowest 2 Value and include in Comment.

    @Marc L request you kindly look into my post/query.
  2. R

    Identify Top 2 and Lowest 2 Value and include in Comment.

    Hi Team, I am looking for some ideas/dynamic formula, to make my comments dynamic based on the sales results from each region. attached is an example.
  3. R

    Mail Merge Replace text

    Hi Vletm, thank you for the question which actually led to resolve my query, i replaced Body1 & body2 to only Body which worked . Thanks.
  4. R

    Mail Merge Replace text

    Hi Team below is the code i have in an excel template to replace text on body of the mail with some values. However while i run code only two texts are getting replaced can you please help. >>> use code - tags <<< Sub DistributeReports() If MsgBox("Please confirm if the default signature for...
  5. R

    Calculate cost per day basis category

    Hi Team, I am looking for formula to calculate the cost that should charged for holding the package. Below is the example . for 0-5days no charge $0 charge from 6thday to till 10th day it will $2 per day , so if its 7 days it would be 2days * $2 = $4 and for 10 days it would be $10 the catch...
  6. R

    Identify Offset Line

    I would not be able to do that , I can apply and update formula based on what I get response in this forum to my actual data
  7. R

    Identify Offset Line

    Hi there, I am looking for a formula or a vba code that code identify the offset line in a huge data set. Below is a sample. Thank you .
  8. R

    Dynamic Index

    Thank you That worked perfect. :)
  9. R

    Dynamic Index

    Hi Team, I am looking for a way were we can make the Index dynamic , i mean based on the date in the attached file in the Sheet1 on Cell C5 the Index should change to respective column in Sheet2 . For Example if date in Sheet1 Cell C5 is 3/13/2020 then the Index formula should be changed to...
  10. R

    Marking Status with criteria

    Thank you G that's exactly is my requirement , however i was able to find a way and now stuck with another situation. I would need formula to get the count of unique text value with criteria. for example Below have the list from which I need unique count of text which has status as "Yes" in...
  11. R

    Marking Status with criteria

    Hi Team, I have the 6 products listed and their status in next column , what i looking for is that if the product X status is found as 1 then i need the result to marking as 1 against all the rows where X is listed even though the status of the same against that specific row is not equal to...
  12. R

    Macro to lock cells with column criteria

    Thank you this is very helpfull.
  13. R

    Macro to lock cells with column criteria

    Hi Team, Need help with a macro to lock cells based on the criteria of column header, for example in the attached file , i need all cells locked with column header "Texas" i.e, from column D,H,L,P,T,X from Row 7 to 32. Thanks for your help.
  14. R

    VBA to create Multiple Pivots in different sheet based on one source

    Hi p45cal , Thank you for the above code , However while I am adding couple more fields which i have added in the attached file. Can you help me in edit the code to chose the fields in Rows and in Datafeild . I have attached a sample pivot in Sheet 1 T5 which is the lay out i am referring...